Never in my memory has the calender looked this good. This fall is going to be one for the ages when it comes to live music, especially when it comes to touring bands. This is not to down play the mind blowing amount of local shows that will be happening as well. We want to make sure people know whats coming to town and if you aren't famaliar with some of the bands, give you a little taste of what to expect. So here are just a few of the great bands coming to town in the coming weeks and be prepared to see much more in the near future.
The Henry Clay People @ One Eyed Jacks 9/15/10 (w/ Giant Cloud & Robert Ellis)
The Black Keys @ House of Blues 9/21/10 (w/ The Whigs)SOLD OUT!
The Hold Steady @ Republic 9/24/10 (w/ Wintersleep)
Coco Rosie @ Republic 9/27/10
Some local shows of note:
Big Rock Candy Mountain, Sunshine Factory & Big History (first show ever) @ Carrollton Station 9/18/10
Sun Hotel CD Release @ One Eyed Jacks 9/24/10 (w/ Caddywhompus & The Eastern Sea)
Fugazi :: Gainesville, FL 3/16/1990
14 hours ago
And there still so many more fantastic touring band's!
Joanna Newsome
Edward Sharpe
Iron and Wine
Built to Spill
And more after that!
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